Currently controversial game - stray game

Currently controversial game - stray game

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Annapurna Interactive has released a new adventure game, called Stray, that allows players to put themselves in the shoes of cats and live their lives.

Stray is an adventure game in which the player becomes a cat that travels through a cyberpunk inspired world.

Stray was released this July for PlayStation 4 and 5, in addition to Windows devices.

The game is available for $ 29.99, and is available without additional costs when subscribing to the additional or premium levels of "PlayStation Plus".

According to the British newspaper "The Guardian", it is clear that the game was developed by people related to cats, because it describes the world of these creatures with realism and ingenuity.

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The newspaper praises the kitten's squiggly ears, her charming purr through the console, and the way she transitions from soft gait to running and trotting.

Players can feel the cat's feeling as it finds cozy little places, takes a nap, enjoys pillows, nooks, and bookshelves, and rests on the stomach of a prone robot.

Besides, the cat will get lost in the game worlds and live multiple adventures that the player must survive.

The technical website "The Verge" stated that humans and cats can enjoy this game, as the cats seem to be unabashedly engaged in playing. This may be due, depending on the location, to the realistic cat animations within the game, or the fact that there is a dedicated meow button.

Cat sharing turns the game, which is designed for one player only, into a cooperative experience between players and cats (and some dogs too).

Stray problems

Stray cat game players are facing some issues that affect the way the game runs on computers at the moment. .

If you're playing Stray, you may have noticed some bugs due to shader compilation issues in the PC version, and to make sure you fix the stuttering in the game's task list after its launch, the developer team explained in a statement, several tips players can do to fix the issue until Release a patch to solve the problem.

Fix the problem of the cat game on the computer

Stuttering is a relatively common problem when it comes to games based on Unreal Engine 4, and it is caused by problems with the process of translating game code into code that the GPU can read, since all of this happens while the code is on the move. Windows, it is especially problematic for games that constantly offer you new areas to explore like Stray.

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If you are experiencing mouse stutter while using Stray, you may want to use a controller while waiting for the next patch from the game developers, here are some tricks to make the game run more smoothly.

1. Update your device's GPU and drivers: The first port of call for any game-related issue on your PC is to check if the latest graphics drivers are installed, you can check for updates in your GPU software and download the latest ones.

2. Lock your device's frame rate: If you're still having trouble with Stray, go to the game's graphics menu, and double-check that the frame rate is not set to uncheck, the default max is set to 60fps, But if you change it inadvertently, try to limit the maximum frames per second to 60 frames per second again, up to 30 frames per second if you are using an old graphics card.

3. Reset or remove the cache limitation, Nvidia GPUs have an option in their control panel, to remove the shader cache limitation, just go to the shader cache option under 3D settings Manage 3D settings Dimensions and click in the dropdown menu.

But for AMD users, try resetting the shader cache, just scroll down the graphics tab in the Radeon settings program, and hit the little refresh button next to Reset Shader Cache.

Playstation malfunctions hours after the release of Stray

PlayStation Network had some issues last Tuesday, with Sony's PlayStation status page stating that things like playing games, buying and downloading games, browsing and logging into your account may have been affected.

The issues surfaced just a few hours after the release of Stray, the futuristic adventure game starring a cat. Sony hasn't given a specific reason as to why there are problems, according to The Verge


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