learn H ow to creat the ad on snap chat

learn H ow to creat the ad on snap chat

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In the name of Allah the Merciful

Peace, mercy, and blessings of God

in this article, we will know and learn how to create ads in the snap chat app, first of all, we talk about the Advantages and the Disadvantages of this app snap chat this app look like same as all app like Facebook, and youtube, and Twitter and all of kind of this app about the Advantages of this app you can add the words of your photo and you can add the filter to your video and you can shear that for story or post or video now about the Disadvantages it is easy to hear your information and there are some Disadvantages 

 First step

 Click on this link and sign up for the new account in the Biasness snap chat you can click on this link to create a new account 


you can create the ads in snap chat in 9 step 

after you click on the link the app wants to know some information about your ad this information is 

1- a business name you can write your name Company 

2- the name you can write your name or your name on the account 

3- business email


5-the time zone of your ads 

second page 

the app needs some information about your ads and a Preferred place to post the advertisement you have four places you can shear your ads 

1- snap ads

2- filter

3- story

4- collation

after you select your place from this place or page the second question 

the app needs to know about your ads this information 

1- the name of your advertising campaign

2- A brand name of your company 


4- SHEAR ABLE you must select this choice to shear your ads with a lot of the people 

5- snap pixel for this selection we will write this choice in another article 

6 you have two choices you can applaud your ads from your computer or you can create your ads from snap chat if you select the r ads from your computer but


 you must explode your ads can cost you bey attention about the size of your ads and your video 

7- your goal from the goal of your ads looks like more viewers for your website or app install or click the link or

8 - chose your public you must select the age of your public and the selected male or female and you can select your Age group about your public its looks like between 18 -35 or more or less 

the last step 

you must select your budget for your ads and the time zone to view the ads and you add your information of card bank and you write the address and your zip codes of your state and then you must click on the create the ads at the end 


 now your ads are in the snap chat 

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