2023 Memorial Day

2023 Memorial Day

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Memorial Day is a day of remembrance

This special holiday, originally known as Decoration Day for more than a century, was changed to Memorial Day by federal law in the 1880s. Other names were mentioned that day

It's not just a day to celebrate and honor the fallen; it's an entire three-day weekend of Remembrance.

But never forget why we celebrate Memorial Day in the first place. This is a holiday to honor the servicemen who have served us so heroically so that we can live the good life in America. You should still drink beer and eat hot dogs and burgers at the grill. But be sure to honor these brave soldiers this Memorial Day with these ten powerful traditions.

 See a Former Battlefield

There are many former battlefields of war, including St. Gettysburg in Northern Virginia and Pennsylvania. Since the Civil War, there have been many battlefields along the East Coast where soldiers have fought hard to defend our country. When you're not on the battlefield, maybe it's time to check out something great

Attend a Memorial Day concert
Each year, networks such as NPR and PBS broadcast Memorial Day concerts near the US Capitol. While the concert contains a lot of music, it pays tribute to the men and women who fell and fought bravely to make our country what it is today. Oh, don't confuse Memorial Day with Veterans Day. There is a difference.


Attend a Memorial Day Parade

There is a parade in which veterans march to show their pride. Bring the kids and have a great time with veterans. The veteran will surely have a big smile on his face. Before you host your Memorial Day party, you can also schedule a Memorial Day parade.

Take Part in a Memorial Service

Veterans typically schedule memorial services for other veterans' families, friends, and members of the public during these holidays. We always welcome new guests, so please feel free to drop by.

Raise an American Flag

An easy way to show respect for veterans is to fly the American flag. This flag symbolizes what they fought for our freedom and what our freedom deserves. Traditionally, the national flag he should stay at the 11:30 position.



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