Boston Brace Original Scoliosis Brace

Boston Brace Original Scoliosis Brace

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Boston Brace Original Scoliosis Brace

The Boston Brace, also known as the Boston Brace Original, is a type of orthopedic brace used in the treatment of scoliosis. Scoliosis is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine. The Boston Brace is specifically designed to help prevent further progression of the spinal curve in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis.

Key features of the Boston Brace Original include:


The Boston Brace is custom-made for each individual based on their specific spinal curvature. The brace is designed to fit the patient's body and provide support to correct the spinal deformity.


Typically, the brace is made from a lightweight, durable plastic material. It's designed to be worn discreetly under clothing.

Modular Design:

 The Boston Brace consists of different components that can be adjusted and modified as the patient grows. Regular follow-up appointments with a healthcare professional are essential to ensure that the brace continues to fit properly and effectively.

Wearing Schedule:

 Patients prescribed the Boston Brace are typically advised to wear it for a specific number of hours each day, often around 16-23 hours. The brace is usually worn until the patient stops growing or until the spinal curvature stabilizes.

Therapeutic Goals: 

The primary goal of the Boston Brace is to prevent the progression of scoliosis curves during the period of rapid growth in adolescence. It is not meant to cure scoliosis but aims to control and manage the condition.

It's important to note that the Boston Brace is just one of several types of braces used in scoliosis treatment, and its effectiveness may vary from person to person. The decision to use a particular brace and the duration of wear are determined by orthopedic specialists based on individual patient factors. If you or someone you know is dealing with scoliosis, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance on the most suitable treatment options.


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