The action of alcohol on the internal organs

The action of alcohol on the internal organs

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Work on your stomach

The effect of alcohol on the stomach is so severe that it becomes unable to produce sufficient amounts of normal digestive fluid and is also unable to absorb food and may not fully digest it. . The condition characterized by a feeling of emptiness, nausea, prostration and bloating will always be encountered by an alcoholic. This leads to food aversion and cravings for additional drinks. Thus, a permanent disorder called indigestion appears. Confirmed catastrophic forms of indigestion arise from this  practice

? How is the liver affected

Organic damage resulting from constant alcohol consumption is often fatal. The organ most often subject to structural changes due to alcohol is the liver. The liver generally has the capacity to retain active substances in its cellular parts. In cases of poisoning by various toxic compounds, we analyze the liver as if it were the central depot of foreign bodies. It's almost the same with alcohol. The liver of an alcoholic is never free from the influence of alcohol and is often saturated with it. The membranous or microcapsule structure of the liver is affected, preventing adequate dialysis and free excretion. The liver enlarges due to the expansion of its vessels, increased fluid substances and thickening of tissues. This is followed by contraction of the membrane and contraction of the entire organ into its cellular parts. Then the lower parts of the addict suffer from dropsy due to blockage of the veins for the return of blood. The structure of the liver may be lined with fat cells and is subject to what is technically called “fatty liver.”

? How do kidneys deteriorate

The kidneys also suffer from excessive alcohol consumption. The renal vessels lose their elasticity and force of contraction. Its microstructures undergo lipid modification. Albumin from the blood easily passes through their membranes. This causes the body to lose energy, as if the blood is gradually running out


Alcohol easily relaxes the vessels in the lungs, because they are more sensitive to fluctuations in heat and cold. When exposed to the effects of a rapid change in atmospheric temperature, they easily become crowded. During harsh winters, sudden and fatal congestion of the lungs easily affects the alcoholic.

Alcohol weakens the heart

Alcohol consumption greatly affects the heart. The quality of the membranous structures covering and lining the heart changes and thickens, becoming cartilaginous or calcified. The valves then lose their elasticity and what we call valvular disorder becomes permanent. The structure of the layers of large blood vessels originating from the heart share the same structural changes, so the vessel loses its elasticity and ability to nourish the heart as it rebounds from distension after the heart expands. A stroke, it filled him with blood

Once again, the muscular structure of the heart fails due to degenerative changes in its tissues. The muscle fibrous elements are replaced by fat cells or, if not replaced, transferred into modified muscle tissue in which the force of contraction is significantly reduced

Those who suffer from these organic alterations of the central and circulatory system are maliciously aware of it, and it only manifests itself when the damage reaches an advanced stage. They are aware of a central energy failure due to minor causes such as excessive stress, problems, interrupted rest or prolonged abstinence from food. They feel what they call a "sinking" feeling, but know that wine or any other stimulant will immediately relieve the feeling. So they seek to tone it down until they finally discover that the treatment has failed. The exhausted and exhausted heart of the believer will take no more. It ran its course and the master of bloodstreams was broken. Either the current circulates in the tissues and gradually blocks its path, or under a slight shock or an increase in movement it stops completely in the center.



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