How can we treat depression?

How can we treat depression?

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What is depression?

The word depression causes much confusion .It is often used to describe when someone is feeling low , miserable in a mood or having got out of bed on the wrong side However, doctors use the word in two different ways.

They can use it to describe The symptom (alow mood) or to refer to a specific



Depressive illness , This confusion is made all The worse because it is often difficult to tell The difference between feeling gloomy and having a depressive illness .

Depression is very common, it is certainly not a sign of weakness .

Depression is also a testable you may need to see a doctor .but there are Things you can do yourself or Things you can do to help somebody suffering from The illness .


Who gets depressed?

 Depression is very common

-Between 5 and 10 percent of The population are suffering from The illness to some extent at any one time .

-Over a lifetime you have a 20 percent ,or one in five , chance of having an episode of depression .

-Women are Twice as likely to get depression as men .

-Getting depression is Not as sign of weakness.

There are no particular " personality type"That are more at risk than others .

Inherited (genetic) factors , such as having parents or grandparents who have suffered From depression and non-genetic factors such as the death of apparent when you were young .


What causes depression?

  • We do not fully understand the causes of depression .
  • Stressful life events , such as losing a job or a relationship ending may trigger an episode of depression.
  • Depression can be triggered by some physical illnesses drug treatment and recreational drugs .


Symptoms of depression

Stress can lead you to feeling down and miserable. What is different about a depressive illness is that these feelings last for weeks ,or months .

In addition to feeling low most or all of the time many other symptoms can occur in depressive illness These include :

  • Losing interesting in normal activities,hobbies and everyday life.
  • Feeling tired all of the time and having no energy .
  • Being unable to gain pleasure from activities That normally would be pleasurable.
  • Difficulty sleeping or waking early in the morning .
  • Having a poor appetite ,no interest in food and losing weight .(though some people overeat and  put on weight) .
  • Finding it difficult to concentrate and think straight.
  • Feeling restless, tense and anxious.
  • Being irritable.
  • Losing self confidence.
  • Avoiding other people .
  • Finding it harder than usual to make decisions . 
  • Feeling useless .
  • Feeling guilty.
  • Feeling hopeless.
  • Thinking about suicide.


How is depression diagnosed?

Unfortunately there is no brain scan or blood test That can be used to diagnosed when a person has a depressive illness .

The diagnosis can only be made from symptoms .

Diagnosis of depression will be made if a person has a persistently low mood 

That significantly influences , Their everyday life and has been present for two weeks or more. There are also Three ,or four or more other symptoms of depression.


Who treats people with depression?

  • General practitioners (GP)
  • Patients may also be seen by counsellors ,who are often a Hached to (GP) surgeries .
  • People suffering from depression may also be psychotherapists.

-Treatments of depression 

Some times when we are going through a "bad patch" in our life , it is enough to talk Through our problems with a friend or relative However, this may not be enough and we may need to seek professional help .

The important thing is To remember about depression is that it treatable 


What to do if you know somebody who is depressed ?

Some people are no aware that they are depressed. This particular happens when the depression comes on slowly .


You should try to talk to him or her , and try to remember 

  • Listening can really help
  • That This is not a sign of weakness or of being a failure .


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