How to make Small almond paste oven(Petit Fours) ?

How to make Small almond paste oven(Petit Fours) ?

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Welcome Back ! So today we will make small almond paste oven , but first we need butter cream. Let's do it, we need : Ingredients 500 g margarine butter, cut into small pieces - 2 eggs 1/2 small glass of oil - 500 g sugar - 1/4 glass of water.

Preparation On a medium heat and in a saucepan put the sugar, the  water, stirring until the sugar melts until it becomes syrup, put the eggs in the electric mixer.  add the syrup little by little, then the pieces of butter one after the other, stirring after the vanilla, leave in the blender for 15 minutes.  until its color becomes white, add the oil, stirring for 5 minutes.  Observation we can add 220 gr of melted chocolate to obtain a chocolate butter cream. 


  • Ingredient


 3 eggs - 100g sugar - 120g flour - lemon zest 1/2 teaspoon yeast - 2 tablespoons oil - 200g butter cream 200g marzipan - 1/2 glass  pineapple syrup 2 tablespoons of strawberry jam - powdered sugar.


  • Preparation

Mix the egg white in an electric mixer until it stiffens, add sugar, lemon zest, oil, yeast and yolk  of egg by mixing well, finally the flour by stirring with a wooden spatula.  In a tray (20 / 30cm) put the butter paper, pour the mixture into it, cook for about 10 minutes.  After cooling remove the paper: cut the sponge cake to 30cm in length and 6cm wide.  Take the first part sprinkle and brush with butter cream and the same for the second and 3rd floor.  Using a rolling pin, spread the marzipan on a surface sprinkled with powdered sugar, place it on the sponge cake dough, brush the middle with the strawberry jam cut according to the shape shown in the photo.

Mix the semolina and butter well, then the ground coke, the baker's yeast and  pastry, flower water, powdered milk, finally lukewarm water according to convenience, the dough must be flexible.  Spread on a buttered plate.  , cut into diamonds, cook for 20 minutes Decorate with the pinia.  cook a 2nd time for about 15 minutes drizzle with syrup after it comes out directly from the oven Preparation of the syrup in a saucepan put water, sugar and lemons over medium heat, stirring for 10 minutes.

Thank You <3


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