The artificial intelligence

The artificial intelligence

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You may have seen the images of ancient Egypt represented by artificial intelligence technology spread wid


image about الذكاء الاصطناعي عند  المصريين القدماء والتطور الزمنيe what ancient Egypt would lookely on the Internet. These images estima  like if photographed through modern technology.


Imaginary pictures of the ancient Egyptian civilization

image about الذكاء الاصطناعي عند  المصريين القدماء والتطور الزمني

The process of manufacturing images that simulate the Pharaonic civilization in the closest way is done by training the algorithm on the huge number of old images of huge statues, pyramids and temples, and the situation in the current era of buildings and skyscrapers.

The university professor of artificial intelligence says: “Accuracy is advancing with time and it depends greatly on the amount and accuracy of information and data that we provide to artificial intelligence. And all the information provided to this technology is accurate.

In addition, the artificial intelligence found that the ancient Egyptian civilization relied heavily on tall pillars marked with images of gods, which were clearly found in the widespread images of the ancient civilization in Egypt, as s 

Shabsough says that artificial intelligence is able to transmit the image of the sites and simulate the same sites as if they existed and continued as they were in ancient times.

And she adds: "With regard to a very ancient and rich civilization like the Pharaonic civilization, unfortunately, we could not see real pictures of it on the ground. But thanks to artificial intelligence, we were able to preserve civilization and see pictures that simulate reality in a way 

And she adds, that science has tried, through various media, to imagine the shape of ancient civilizations such as the Pharaonic civilization, since the end of the era of the Pharaonic civilization to the era of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence technology has provided an advantage to move closer  

Artificial intelligence accounts published a series of photos showing archaeological sites in Egypt for architecture and antiquities


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