Some times love Kills

Some times love Kills

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The events of this story revolve around a young man called Omar. Omar is a 26-year-old young man. Omar works in one of the telecommunications companies in the city. Although Omar’s friends always like to spend their free time on entertaining trips or doing sports activities, Omar had an opinion. Another, Omar very much likes to spend his free time visiting abandoned places completely devoid of residents. Not only visiting an abandoned house, but an entire deserted area. Although Omar’s friends advised him that this might be dangerous, he did not listen to them.



Omar saw this as an exciting type of adventure, especially since he photographed those houses or areas he entered and displayed what he saw on social media pages, which made him famous because of that. In fact, Omar did not do this for the purpose of money, but rather his passion was to search for those places. But he decided that there was no harm in benefiting even a little by displaying video clips of those places on his pages on social networking sites. One day, Omar heard about a house located in a very remote area.


The terrifying thing is that the entire area is deserted, not that house, but Omar very much wanted to visit that house, especially since that house revolves around many stories and sayings. Omar went alone to that area and stood in front of the house. Everything seemed normal, as the area was completely free of people. The residents and the house in front of him are like any old, abandoned house with nothing inside. Omar inspected the house well but did not find anything. The strange thing is that Omar did not have anything happen to him inside the house. He did not even feel that there was a genie or anything in this house, and this proves that. The opposite of what everyone says about this house.



Very scary stories


That night, Omar returned to his house to sleep a little. While Omar was sleeping, he saw a very beautiful girl in his dream. This girl was smiling at him at first. Omar woke up from his sleep and was very happy because he saw that girl. The strange thing is that that girl began to come to Omar. Every night, she became a friend to Omar. Although this seemed very strange to Omar, at the same time he felt happy and happy. It came to the point that Omar started taking sleeping pills in order to sleep, seeing that beautiful girl and talking to her every night without stopping. .



Suddenly, while Omar was walking back from work, he saw in front of him that girl whom he had been talking to in his dream. Omar went crazy and desperately wanted to talk to her, even though it was a little strange for Omar to go to a girl in the middle of the road and just talk to her. What this girl did greatly encouraged Omar to do so. The girl looked at Omar and smiled as if that girl was telling Omar that she was the same girl who was talking to him in the dream. Omar actually went and talked to the girl and she was the same girl.


Omar did not notice the strangeness of what was happening to him. He was very enjoying the relationship that connected him with this girl. With time, Omar fell in love with that girl and his day was not complete without talking to her. Time passed and one day that girl told Omar that she very much wanted to meet him. And go on a trip with him. This trip will be a surprise for him. Of course, Omar did not hesitate to agree to this request. While Omar was walking with that girl at night, suddenly that girl transformed and became a very scary creature. Omar felt like he was in a nightmare.


Omar said: What is this? am I dreaming ? What is this nightmare? Imagine that the dream you were dreaming of turned into a nightmare. That girl whom you loved and adored and were even seriously considering proposing to, here she turns into a terrifying monster. The girl’s voice changed and she became in the form of a terrifying creature and she said: If you go again to visit that area, you will... It will be your end. That creature disappeared. As for Omar, he felt that his dream had evaporated. Omar felt very angry because he did not realize from the beginning that his reality in the end was just illusions that had no basis in truth.


Omar did not comply with what that creature said and went to the same area, challenging him. Omar disappeared, and when his friends began searching for him, their search eventually led them to that deserted area. Omar’s friends arrived at that abandoned house, and they saw parts of Omar’s body scattered in front of the house, as if there was a monster. A predator attacked Omar and tore him into small pieces. Omar's friends were shocked and told the police, who ultimately did not reach anything, but only Omar knows what happened and now he is just a corpse.

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