Vaccines and Immune system

Vaccines and Immune system

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The immune system has types of image about Vaccines and Immune systemcells  called memory cells

These cells are activated when a microbe that has came to the body once before  enters again to the blood and causes  toxins that reach immune cells called macrophages 

  • The immune system then release it's past formed specific antibodies against the microbe to kill it.

How are the Anti bodies specific to the microbe

  • Because The cells have the microbe’s 
  • informations from the first exposure
  • so the immune system knows how to kill it easily and won't take long time like the first exposure to the organsim which takes long time and symptoms appear that are hard to us which causes fatigue to our bodies.

That's the point of a vaccine

  • It gives you the organism ( killed or weakened) or part of the organism (protein) as an information about the whole organism to make your immune system able to fight him if it enters the body again.

What is the difference between the vaccines and the normal exposure to the microbe ?

  • Vaccines makes the operation of killing it with getting it's informations easier
  • because the organism is weak or dead
  • lowering the symptoms and complications of being so sick, unlike when you get the microbe with his full power in the first time 
  • Your immune system will take time ( days or weeks ) to kill the microbe and this will give time to the microbe to produce more toxins into the cells and the blood
  • Which will make symptoms the affect our life and prevent us from doing our work or responsibilities due to the disease.


You should know that :

  • When the microbe mutates to escape the
  •  vaccine or the immunity like (viruses), it's like getting a new passport or new name with new informations, so it will need new edition of the vaccine again like ( influenza virus vaccine) you can talk it each year.
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