Bad effects of fast food on human health

Bad effects of fast food on human health

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Fast foods are common foods sold in restaurants and are quick to prepare and easily obtained, and they are inexpensive when compared to foods prepared at home as defined by the National Institute of Health, and they often contain greater amounts of saturated fat, sugar, and salt. And calories, but the National Institute of Health indicates that many fast restaurants have begun to respond to the demands that emphasize the need to provide foods containing less fat and calories . Doctors point out that the reason fast foods are unhealthy is that they are highly processed; making it poor in essential nutrients; Like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it is also rich in calories because it contains refined flour, sodium, and sugar. Examples of processed foods are: potato chips, cakes, cakes, and ready-made breakfast cereals

1. Overweight and obesit

As we mentioned, the fast food content is high in calories and fats, especially harmful saturated fats, trans fats, and simple sugars, and you find most of them prepared fried, and this means that eating them regularly will inevitably lead to weight gain, obesity, increased waist circumference, and accumulated fat in the abdomen and liver area. It was also found that those who live near fast food restaurants have a greater tendency to become obese, and oils and preservatives used in preparing fast food usually make it difficult for the body to get rid of fat and calories ingested.

2.Asthma and shortness of breath

Fast food negatively affects the health of the respiratory system, and causes it some problems such as asthma and shortness of breath, and this infection appears more clearly in children, according to studies, especially those who eat this type of food three times a week, and the cause of this injury is that eating Fast foods are linked to obesity and weight gain, and weight gain, in turn, is linked to increased pressure on the heart and lungs, so symptoms of this stress appear in the form of difficulty breathing when engaging in various activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, or exercising

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