






In-Depth Exploration of Awake Kidney Transplant Surgery Innovations and Implications

The article explores awake kidney transplant surgery, where patients remain conscious during the procedure

The Rapid Spread of HIV/AIDS: Causes, Treatment, and Global Impact

This article serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle against AIDS and the importance of collective efforts in combating this global health crisis

Public Health
Gardening Keeps the Brain Healthy in Old Age
Gardening Keeps the Brain Healthy in Old Age

As we age, maintaining cognitive health becomes increasingly important Recent groundbreaking research conducted

Coordinated Attacks Rock Dagestan: A Day of Tragedy and Response

The attacks resulted in at least nine deaths, including law enforcement officers and a priest, and left 25 injured

Public Health
Looking for the Fountain of Youth? Try the gym and weight-resistance training
Looking for the Fountain of Youth? Try the gym and weight-resistance training

This article highlights the importance of physical exercise and weight-resistance training in maintaining youthfulness and physical vigor throughout l...

الامساك بسبب سرطان القولون الأعراض والوقاية

سرطان القولون هو نوع من أنواع السرطان يبدأ عادة في الأمعاء الغليظة (القولون). يتكون عادة من نمو غير طبيعي للخلايا في جدار القولون

عيد الأب العالمي من أين جاءت الفكرة التي مر عليها أكثر من 100 عام

عيد الأب العالمي هو مناسبة تحتفل بها العديد من الثقافات حول العالم لتكريم الآباء ودورهم الهام في الأسرة والمجتمع. تاريخيًا