shady magdy
shady magdy دكتور جامعي







Islamic articles
ما هو يوم عرفات؟
ما هو يوم عرفات؟

ما هو يوم عرفات و فضل هذا اليوم على المسلمين

healthy nutrition
فوائد الجنزبيل للصحة
فوائد الجنزبيل للصحة

اهم فوائد مشروب الجنزبيل للصحة العامة قراءة ممتعة تصلح للجميع

general articles
البحيرة المسحورة بالفيوم
البحيرة المسحورة بالفيوم

البحيرة المسحورة بمحافظة الفيوم من اهم المعالم السياحية التي يمكن زيارتها

general articles
Assembly Line Balancing
Assembly Line Balancing

The history of the assembly lines and assembly Line Balancing

One sample t testing

The one sample t testing using R programming language to solve real life problems

Rapid Prototyping in Industry

What is Rapid Prototyping in Industry? Advantages, disadvantages, roles and applications

Force Field Analysis

The importance of force field analysis in lean and process improvement

Fishbone Diagram History, structure and solved example

Fishbone Diagram History, structure and solved example in lean manufacturing

Box Plot using R

The Boxplot importance and solved example using R programming language

A3 Thinking in lean

The use of A3 thinking methodology in lean management and process improvement

general articles
Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test
Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test

The use of Shapiro Wilk for normality testing using R programming Language

general articles
The role of statistics to analyze Titanic data
The role of statistics to analyze Titanic data

The role of statistics to analyze the mystery of Titanic survivors

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