Ahmed Afifi
Ahmed Afifi







Islamic Stories
The Story of Prophet Salih (AS)
The Story of Prophet Salih (AS)

Prophet Salih (AS) was sent to guide Thamud. They rejected his message and killed Allah’s miracle camel. A great earthquake destroyed them as punishme...

Islamic Stories
The Story of Prophet Hud (Peace Be Upon Him)
The Story of Prophet Hud (Peace Be Upon Him)

Prophet Hud (peace be upon him) was sent to the arrogant people of ‘Ad. They rejected his message, so Allah destroyed them with a fierce windstorm.

Islamic Stories
The Story of Noah (Nuh) )
The Story of Noah (Nuh) )

Prophet Noah preached for 950 years, built an ark, and survived the great flood while disbelievers perished. A story of faith.

Islamic Stories
The Story of Prophet Adam (AS)
The Story of Prophet Adam (AS)

Adam (AS), the first human and prophet, was deceived by Satan, sent to Earth, and later forgiven by Allah.

Islamic Stories
قصة سيدنا ادم عليه السلام
قصة سيدنا ادم عليه السلام

خلق الله آدم من طين، وأسجد له الملائكة، إلا إبليس الذي عصى. أُسكن آدم وحواء الجنة، لكنهما أكلا من الشجرة فأنزلهما الله للأرض، ليكون آدم خليفةً ونبيًّا...